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Liz Furey

Liz Furey FCA is Chief Financial Officer at Harper Adams University. Within her remit Liz has responsibility for Finance, Procurement, Information Services, Short Course Conferencing and Apprenticeships. Whilst at the University Liz has led on the completion of a number of collaborative arrangements including Saputo (formerly Dairy Crest) and the Agritech Centres.

Liz also holds a number of other roles including Director of North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium (NWUPC), a member of the TRAC Development Group, and is an employer representative on a local LGPS scheme pension board.

Before joining Harper Adams in 2013, she was Deputy Director of Finance at Aston University with responsibility for finance and prior to this worked in a range of sectors having qualified as an accountant with KPMG in Birmingham. She is a graduate of Nottingham University where she studied Agricultural Science (Environmental Physics).

Liz Furey - External Governor

Liz Furey