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Animal Care and Welfare Apprenticeship – Level 2

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  • Course aim

    Animal Care and Welfare Assistants look after the routine day to day husbandry and care of domestic and/or wild animals under guidance in a variety of different settings. The work is carried out individually or as part of a team in places such as animal welfare centres or farm parks. Animal Care and Welfare Assistants must have a strong work ethic and be prepared to work irregular hours in all weather conditions. They must maintain safe working practices and taking responsibility for themselves, animals and others.

    Typical job roles include: animal technician, animal welfare assistant; animal day care assistant or farm park assistant.

    Work is generally based outside and undertaken throughout the year, so apprentices will frequently work outside in all weathers.

  • Course content

    The apprentice will study the core knowledge, skills and behaviours as laid out in the apprenticeship plan, as well as the optional knowledge and skills for the animal interaction and handling pathway.

    This will include understanding the importance of data protection and codes of practice within the workplace, have in-depth knowledge of the species/breed specific to their job role, recognising the potential health and welfare problems and acting accordingly, understanding the requirements for correct waste disposal and infection control, with close attention paid to quarantine, zoonosis and isolation protocols, have basic understanding of the anatomy and physiology for a range of species, be able to implement and evaluate enrichment and exercise opportunities for their chosen species, understand their role and responsibility in animal first aid and preventative care delivery and have in-depth knowledge of UK and EU legislation relevant to their role. 

  • Course assessment

    The apprentice will attend college one day a week.

    There is no mandatory qualification attached to this standard so the apprentice will work towards a range of knowledge, skills and behaviours associated with the job role. They will also be required to achieve level 1 English and Maths (GCSE Grade 3 or D) and take the test for level 2 English and Maths prior to taking the end-point assessment.

  • Benefits to employers

    Hiring an apprentice is a productive and effective way for any organisation to grow talent and develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce. Hiring an apprentice can help you improve productivity and reduce staff turnover.

    There’s a wide selection of apprenticeships available, covering lots of different job roles to help you choose a qualification that quits your business needs. This helps you match the skills of the employees to the skills that you need.


    If you have less than 50 staff and the apprentice is between 16-18 then the apprenticeship will be fully funded, you will only need to pay for the apprentice’s wages. If you choose to recruit an apprentice who is 19 or above you will be required to pay 5% of the cost of the apprenticeship (the government will fund 95%)

    If you are a large employer with 50+ staff you will be required to fund 5% of the apprenticeships costs regardless of the age of the learner.

    Employers with a wage bill of over £3 million will pay the cost of the apprenticeship through the apprenticeship levy.

  • Benefits to apprentices

    As an apprentice you will work alongside experienced, skilled staff, you will gain job-specific skills and training, you will earn a wage and get holiday pay whilst you train.

    The Government is committed to ensuring that everyone is able to benefit from the life changing opportunities of an apprenticeship. Apprenticeships are opening the door to professions that used to only be an option for people with a traditional degree.

    Apprenticeships are more than just another way to gain a qualification and can give you the skills you need to progress your career.

  • Course aim

    Animal Care and Welfare Assistants look after the routine day to day husbandry and care of domestic and/or wild animals under guidance in a variety of different settings. The work is carried out individually or as part of a team in places such as animal welfare centres or farm parks. Animal Care and Welfare Assistants must have a strong work ethic and be prepared to work irregular hours in all weather conditions. They must maintain safe working practices and taking responsibility for themselves, animals and others.

    Typical job roles include: animal technician, animal welfare assistant; animal day care assistant or farm park assistant.

    Work is generally based outside and undertaken throughout the year, so apprentices will frequently work outside in all weathers.

  • Course content

    The apprentice will study the core knowledge, skills and behaviours as laid out in the apprenticeship plan, as well as the optional knowledge and skills for the animal interaction and handling pathway.

    This will include understanding the importance of data protection and codes of practice within the workplace, have in-depth knowledge of the species/breed specific to their job role, recognising the potential health and welfare problems and acting accordingly, understanding the requirements for correct waste disposal and infection control, with close attention paid to quarantine, zoonosis and isolation protocols, have basic understanding of the anatomy and physiology for a range of species, be able to implement and evaluate enrichment and exercise opportunities for their chosen species, understand their role and responsibility in animal first aid and preventative care delivery and have in-depth knowledge of UK and EU legislation relevant to their role. 

  • Course assessment

    The apprentice will attend college one day a week.

    There is no mandatory qualification attached to this standard so the apprentice will work towards a range of knowledge, skills and behaviours associated with the job role. They will also be required to achieve level 1 English and Maths (GCSE Grade 3 or D) and take the test for level 2 English and Maths prior to taking the end-point assessment.

  • Benefits to employers

    Hiring an apprentice is a productive and effective way for any organisation to grow talent and develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce. Hiring an apprentice can help you improve productivity and reduce staff turnover.

    There’s a wide selection of apprenticeships available, covering lots of different job roles to help you choose a qualification that quits your business needs. This helps you match the skills of the employees to the skills that you need.


    If you have less than 50 staff and the apprentice is between 16-18 then the apprenticeship will be fully funded, you will only need to pay for the apprentice’s wages. If you choose to recruit an apprentice who is 19 or above you will be required to pay 5% of the cost of the apprenticeship (the government will fund 95%)

    If you are a large employer with 50+ staff you will be required to fund 5% of the apprenticeships costs regardless of the age of the learner.

    Employers with a wage bill of over £3 million will pay the cost of the apprenticeship through the apprenticeship levy.

  • Benefits to apprentices

    As an apprentice you will work alongside experienced, skilled staff, you will gain job-specific skills and training, you will earn a wage and get holiday pay whilst you train.

    The Government is committed to ensuring that everyone is able to benefit from the life changing opportunities of an apprenticeship. Apprenticeships are opening the door to professions that used to only be an option for people with a traditional degree.

    Apprenticeships are more than just another way to gain a qualification and can give you the skills you need to progress your career.

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